by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS
Most of you know me as a person who is passionate about movement. I love it. I think moving well and moving often is a HUGE key for just about everything that ails us. Movement has been shown to improve things like tissue healing, longevity, quality of life, and brain cognition. The earlier I can get people moving after an injury, the better their results tend to be. As someone living with Multiple Sclerosis, I have found that moving is my key to keeping my symptoms at bay, which is why I push myself to reach new goals with cycling, running, swimming, and lifting weights.
The dictionary defines movement in the following ways:
- The act of changing the location of something.
- A group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain common goals.
- A major self contained part of a symphony or sonata.
- The driving and regulating parts of a mechanism (as in a watch).
- A euphemism for defecation.
When I looked up the definition of movement, I was actually quite surprised at how many different definitions there are are for Movement. I will admit that even though I was in band growing up, I don’t know a whole lot about the movement that is contained in a symphony or sonata. I also don’t know much about he workings of a clock or watch, partly because it is not something that I have been around much, but also because we are in a continually advancing digital world, leaving things like traditional clocks and watches as soon to be historical pieces that our kids may someday only see in museums. Finally, in an effort to stay “above the fray,” I am going to skim over their 5th definition of movement, although it is worth noting that exercise and high quality movement can usually help with that as well.
We spend a lot of time in my courses and in this blog talking about definition #1. We talk about the importance moving well and moving often over and over. That’s a big reason that Maximum Training Solutions exists. So, for this post, I want to focus more on definition #2.
At MTS, our tagline is “Methodical. Authentic. Movement.” Most people assume that when I say those words, I am speaking about creating high quality movement patterns with the human body, as in definition #1. This is absolutely true. We want people to be methodical and authentic with how they approach how people move. And we want them to move really well. So, understanding physical movement is extremely important, especially for those people who work with the human body every day.
But, for me, those 3 words are about a lot more than physical movement. They are about CREATING A METHODICAL, AUTHENTIC, MOVEMENT.
We want to be a leader in the larger picture to get people off of the sidelines and doing things that are important, healthy and meaningful. This includes a movement to get people physically moving before the next generation is so unhealthy that they can’t move or be a part of any kind of movement. We also want people to find their passion and either create or join a movement to advance that cause.
As many of you know, I have been a big champion for the cause of orphans and the fatherless that exist in our world. I have pushed the cause of Man Up and Go, a nonprofit ministry focused on reducing fatherlessness around the world, since our first mission trip to Africa in 2011. This coming Friday night (October 28th), Man Up and Go will be hosting our 3rd Annual Move for Man Up event in Springfield, Missouri in an effort to advance the various initiatives that we are engaged with around the world. As I prepare for this important event for our ministry, I am reminded of some pretty crazy statistics:
- There are 2.2 billion children in the world. 710 million of them will go to bed tonight without their father in their home.
- 90% of runaway and homeless children come from fatherless homes (32 times the average).
- 75% of adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes.
- Most of the world’s most brutal dictators throughout history have come from fatherless homes.
- 85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes (20 times the average).
- 80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes (14 times the average).
- And on and on and on and on….
The stats are staggering. Because of this, Man Up and Go believes that children benefit in every measurable way by the presence of a loving, committed father in the home. This problem exists in every part of the world because men are not living up to our duties and calls to be leaders in our homes and communities. Man Up and Go is on a mission to impact 20,000 families by the year 2020 to prevent the next fatherless generation.
Being a pivotal part of this movement is EXTREMELY important to me. It gives me purpose. It shapes my thoughts and actions. It makes me a better husband and father. It helps me mentor my college athletes. This ministry helped me grow my family through adoption. The members of this movement are my best friends. This movement teaches me what a man should look like and helps me model that to my children, friends and family. As passionate as I am about teaching and helping people physically move more efficiently, the Man Up and Go movement is my true passion.
What’s your movement?
I say it all of the time in my seminars, “I don’t care that you use my system, I just care that you have a system.” To that end,
What is your passion? What makes you a better person for your family, friends and patients and clients? How can you personally make the world around you better? If no one has already started that movement, go create it!
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