Maximum Training Solutions has teamed up with our friends at to provide a great deal great information directed towards the athlete. No one likes to be hurt, and we certainly don’t wish it upon anyone, but if you do get a bump, bruise, or experience that nagging pain that just won’t go away, no matter how much time you take off; or, worse yet, you have a debilitating injury such as an ACL tear or shoulder dislocation, rehab is the key to getting you back on your field of play quickly and safely.
How Does the Body Work??
If we are going to return your injured body back to it’s natural biomechanical state, it usually helps if you understand how the body works a little bit better. It may sound a little bit boring or mundane, but if you are truly serious about healing and ridding yourself of pain, a basic understanding of the body’s anatomy and basic function.
Anatomy – The understanding of basic functional anatomy is the key to unlocking the human body. Once you know where the muscles, ligaments and tendons reside within your body and around your joints, you will begin to understand how the body functions and works together as a whole. It can be a little overwhelming to learn at first, so start with the specific body part you need help with and work up or down from there. Remember, a joint or muscle never works by itself to perform any activity. So, make sure you not only understand your injury site, the parts of the body that surround the injury. Our friends at SII have also done a great job of producing some great anatomy videos to make it as easy to learn as possible.
Prevention – Preventing injury is the ultimate goal of an athlete and athletic trainer. The information here will help you to keep injury free.
Treatment – Many athletes are fearful of rehab because they aren’t sure what to expect or what an athletic trainer or physical therapist will be doing to help them heal. Click here to understand the treatment process and not only know what they’ll be doing to help you heal, but also know what you can be doing on your own to get better, faster.
Rehab – This is why you’re here. What can you do to get better and back on the field of play? Click here to understand the basics of rehab before you move only the specifics of your injury.
Specific Injuries
Now that you are armed with the basics of the body, you are ready to move onto learning more about your specific injury. Once again, we thank our friends at for helping us with this content.