By Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS
As we enter not just a new year, but a new decade, it strikes me as a great time to reflect on what MTS is doing as a company, where we have been and where we are headed. The huge blessing over recent years as a company has been consistent, sizable growth, year after year. I wish that I could say that it was because of strategic planning or great leadership, but the reality is that much of it is luck and God’s grace. No matter the reason, I’ll take it.
As great as growth and change can be, it can also cause us to lose focus on who we are and why we exist, which ultimately ends up being detrimental. I believe, however, with the proper focus, that growth can happen alongside of a focus on what started this movement to begin with. In order to do that, however, you have to grounded and honest with yourself and your crew about what goals lie in front of you and how to achieve them in an authentic manner.
I’m also a big believer that when you put things in writing that there is an accountability that goes along with it. When I write my goals down at the beginning of the year, I am likely to achieve them. When I write down my challenges and look at them often, I will address them and stay focused on them. This is part of the reason that I blog every week. It forces me to learn, to reflect and to achieve a high standard. When I put things out there for everyone that I know and respect to read, I have to strive to achieve my best.
In that spirit, I want to review why Maximum Training Solutions exists. This isn’t some fluffy vision statement and certainly hasn’t been born out of some focus group (MTS has grown, but certainly not enough to afford a focus group). This is me, as a leader of a small business, educator and friend of those who I get the pleasure of working with, explaining my heart and drive for what I do. For some who come to this page looking for practical sports medicine knowledge and information, this may be a bit too “touchy – feely” for you. But, for many, I hope that this blog post will help you to understand more about my thoughts, drive and passion for what I do, ultimately leading to your own passion for this website and/or MTS in general.
First and foremost, MTS was created to serve. This business is here to provide humble, honest, useful, practical knowledge for the sports medicine professional. That includes physical therapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, athletic trainers, coaches, personal trainers, fitness professionals, and anyone who works with the human body. I believe that a big reason that God puts us on this Earth is to serve others, so that is what I choose to do.
I do this through live courses, videos, books, blog posts and web content. With all of my content, I strive to hit a sweet spot between practicality and quality. You will notice that much of my content isn’t as polished or well produced as others. I’m okay with that. I’m confident in the quality of the content and if my lack of bling, perfect lighting or flashy website turns you off, I’m sorry. I choose to save money on those areas and pass that savings on to you when I have to charge for my content. Honestly, I would love to simply give everything away, but there is a cost to producing and running all of this content (and my kids do need to go to college some day). So, while I can’t give everything away, you will find that even the items that I do charge money for as very affordable compared to other similar products on the market.
As a father, I also believe that it is my job to serve my family. This is honestly one of my biggest struggles because I want to be all things to all people whenever possible and it just isn’t realistic. Just know that sometimes I may miss a week of blogging from time to time. Or, as some of you may have noticed, I haven’t been very active on social media in recent months. That isn’t for a lack of desire. Rather, it’s because of a lack of bandwidth. I have to choose what is more important in my daily walk and if I can’t make everything work together, my family will almost always win out. I am asking for grace in those moments in advance and promise to serve to my fullest capacity when the opportunity presents itself again.
We also offer a limited line of products on our website at affordable prices. Again, this is a service to you, my friend, more than anything. I only carry products that I believe in and that I feel that I can sell at a price that helps my crew. If I don’t believe in it or I can’t offer it at a great price, then what’s the point? It isn’t serving you in a productive way.
Lastly, I have a desire to create a movement about movement. I believe that movement is the best solution for so many things that ail us in this world. If we can just get people moving better and more often, we will all live happier, healthier lives. Join me on this quest to improve movement efficiency and frequency.
I hope that you find value in the services that MTS provides. I also hope that you feel comfortable reaching out to me with your questions, thoughts or concerns via email or social media. Many of you already do this, which I’m grateful for, but I would love to get to know many of you on a much greater and deeper level.
I’m looking forward to another year and another decade of serving the sports medicine community. Thanks for being a great part of my world and I hope that I can somehow, in some small way impact your world from time to time.

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