While I typically work with high level athletes, I do get questions periodically from the general population about fat loss and improving overall fitness. In this day in age, people are always looking for maximum results that fits into their busy schedule. And, they also don’t want it to be too hard.
This workout is great for combining some traditional cardio exercises (elliptical, treadmill, bike, etc.) with the Ultimate Sandbag. The sandbag portion of the workout is fast, intense and designed to burn a lot calories because it trains every part of the body. Most people would never be able to tolerate this sequence for more than 10 minutes, unless they have been training for it. But, since it is a rather short period of time, it allows us to get a lot done in a short time, and then finish the workout with some tolerable cardio.
Overall, it is an intense, but tolerable workout that takes 30 minutes to accomplish. That’s tough to beat!!
Looking for more help? Schedule a consultation today!

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