Today’s workout is about working away from all of the accumulation work that we have been doing over past weeks and looking forward to a strength phase in the near future. We are still not doing a lot of power movements, but we will be trending that direction soon. The workout is laid out in a manner that begins with activation (glute/core) and then moves to a transition exercise (pistol squat) which takes advantage of the activation and initiate the proprioceptors with a stability component. Corrective exercises follow that, and then we go into a higher neuro load/power movement (Sandbag clean), before moving to the bulk of the workout. Finally, we finish with a multi-planer movement (Sandbag rotational lunge) and a breathing exercise to further train the diaphragm and begin to calm their nervous system back down. It should take about 60-70 minutes for the experienced athlete.
Miniband Sidesteps 3 x 15 yds
Core Engaged Straight Leg Bridge 6 x 10 sec hold
Corrective Exercises (individualized exercises/volume selection)
Pistol Squat 3 x 8
24″ Box Jumps – Emphasize Landing x 12
Sandbag Cleans 3 x 6
Physioball DB Bench Press 5 x 10
DB Row w/ Rotation 5 x 10
Valslide Pikes 5 x 10
Front Squat 5 x 10 x 66% 1RM
DB Single Leg RDL 5 x 10
Side Stability Hold w/ Reach and Rotate of top arm 5 x 12
Sandbag Rotational Lunge 3 x 6
1/2 Kneeling Cable Resisted Rotation – Emphasize Breathing 3 x 12 breaths

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