A progression from the last workout to more of a strength phase with less volume. In this case, the sport specific training has increased, thus necessitating a decrease in volume to allow them to tolerate the workout while gaining strength with high loads.
Miniband Hip Rotations 2 x 10
TRX Plank w/ Weight Shift 2 x 15
SLS off Box 3 x 10
18″ Box Step Offs x 10
Push Press 3 x 4
Superset 1:
Bench Press 3 x 8
RDL 3 x 8
Cable Physioball Crunch 3 x 15
Superset 2:
Back Squat 3 x 8
Squat Jump 3 x 6
Kneeling High Cable Row 3 x 8
Stability Hold w/ March 3 x 20
USB Lateral Stabilizer Sequence 2 x 4
Tall Kneeling USB Overhead Press – Emphasize Breathing 2 x 3
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