by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS
Most weeks this blog is dedicated to movement, exercise, rehabilitation and fitness, but I also know that there are some things in this world that are bigger and more important than my small sphere, so I feel the nudge to share some of those things on this platform.
As many of you know, I a cofounder and current chairman of the board for an organization called Man Up and Go. We exist to fight for the fatherless around the world and do so by inspiring men to get off of the sidelines and be the leaders in our homes and communities that we are designed to be. We have done a lot of work around the world, but most of it has been done in the countries of Uganda, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and recently in the US. This is a worldwide issue and we intend to take our message worldwide. Our biggest projects have been in several different communities in Uganda.
Recently, I lead a team of awesome individuals to Uganda for a quick trip to visit our ministry partners and serve them in some small way. The trip was a HUGE success in a number of ways, but the major thing that stood out to me was how communities really are being changed in such a small period of time. Our friends on the ground have taken some knowledge, inspiration, and some financial resources and have literally flipped their local communities around for the better. I wish we could take credit for the changes, but we just aren’t that smart, nor do we have that many resources.
As an example, the Home Again Ministry has grown exponentially since we first met them in 2011. They work in the slum community of Masese, which is home to several thousand people who had no jobs, no education, no resources and not much hope.
In 2012, Man Up and Go began raising funds to help them build the Bethel Junior School for 60 children ages 3-5. Since that time, the school has expanded to 252 children ranging from 3 years old to 7th grade. They have graduated 100+ single mothers and widows from their vocational training program, giving these women the ability to support their families. While we were there last week, we fed 1346 children as part of their weekly super Saturday feeding program (a program that gives local children their only meal of the weekend). There is now a vibrant church with 150-200 adults attending each week (plus 300+ children). The ministry also has a tree farm and fish farm to help support their projects. And, what impressed me the most, is that local businesses are now relocating to the community of Masese, because they recognize opportunities in the area that have never been there before. God has been very good to this ministry.
We have also seen great improvements with our other partners in Uganda, including the Kerith Children’s Ministry and Ebenezer Children’s Ministry. To learn more about each of the ministries and their latest projects, visit the following videos. We shot these just last week, so they are the latest information on each of the ministries.
Home Again Ministries (near Jinja, Uganda)
Kerith Children’s Ministry (Pallisa, Uganda)
Ebenezer Children’s Ministry (Kibuku, Uganda)
For more information on Man Up and Go or to join a future mission team, visit here.

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