Eliminate Your Back Pain at home, on your schedule, and for a fraction of the cost of 1 therapy visit!!
Dear Pain Sufferer-
Are You…
Sick of hurting?
Tired of not doing what you want to do and when you want to do it?
Ready to get back on the field of play?
Not happy with physicians or therapists who tell you that they have done all they can do for you?
Having trouble working at your job because of your back pain?
Don’t want to spend hours in a clinic trying to fix your pain and problems?
Low Back Solutions!

When people come to me looking for a solution to their low back pain, I usually fine there are several problems that are keeping them from getting healthy and back to activity.
Problem #1: Exercises haven’t fixed the problem
Solution: Program, not exercises
Many people will treat low back pain by throwing a bunch of exercises and stretches at it, hoping they will find the weak link. Unfortunately, this approach rarely works. Low Back Solutions is a comprehensive program that guides you step-by-step through getting you pain free and back to your activity. I present a system that includes over 70 pages to help you understand what is truly causing your pain and how to fix it with a program of mobility, stability and strengthening exercises that is guaranteed to fix your low back injury.
Problem #2: My doctor doesn’t understand my problem – He just told me to take time off until it gets better
Solution: I understand and will help you fix your problem
Believe me, I understand what you are going through. I am a former athlete and work with high level athletes everday. I treat athletes with low back pain everyday. Low back pain rarely gets better by simply taking time off. The body experiences pain because something is wrong somewhere in the system. Just taking time off won’t fix that problem. Low Back Solutions will teach you how to find that weak link and repair it.
Problem #3: Seeing physicians or therapists is too expensive
Solution: Low Back Solutions is just $24.95
For less than most people’s co-pay to see thier physician, you can have the solution to your pain. You won’t find a better value in the health industry than this! I have been offered much more money for this content, but I have chosen to keep it affordable to help as many people as possible.
Problem #4: Your busy schedule doesn’t allow you to get treated for your pain
Solution: You work on your schedule
I can certainly relate to a hectic and crazy schedule. Balancing work, school, sports, family, and the other rigors of daily life is too much for all of us at times. Adding hours of physical therapy is the last thing you want to try to fit into your schedule. With Low Back Solutions, you work through the program when you want and at your own pace. Some people will work through each phase in a matter of days, while others will take several months to through the program. Either is fine, as long as it works for you.
Problem #5: You don’t have the equipment perform exercises
Solution: The program is simple to follow with little to no equipment. MTS also offers a package with the Solutions Series Band to meet your needs
Just because you don’t have a room full of equipment doesn’t mean you can’t cure your low back pain. With the use of a couple of simple bands and your bodyweight and you are own your way to fixing your low back pain. If you don’t have access to them, we even offer a package deal that includes our solutions series band.
Problem #6: Other treatments didn’t work
Solution: We guarantee results or your money back
Its as simple as that. Try the program and if you aren’t 100% satisfied, just email us and we’ll be happy to refund your money. Results are guaranteed!
I’m happy to introduce you to Low Back Solutions…
Think of me as your personal, in-home rehabilitation specialist who will take you step-by-step through the process to get you pain free and back to your favorite activities.
Low Back Injuries can be acute (from a sudden fall or hit), chronic (gets worse over time with activity), and sometimes we just aren’t sure how it happens, but we know it hurts.Low back injuries can and do affect people of all ages and activity levels. They can sideline your for days, weeks or even months if not treated correctly.What we find is that whether it starts with a sudden, known cause or not, it usually stems from somewhere other than the back. Your hips may not be aligned. Your core may be unstable. Or, you may have a mobility or flexibility deficit somewhere. My job is to help you find out where that cause is and fix it. And, if this ebook can’t fix it, we’ll steer you in the right direction to find someone who can help you.
- Low Back Solutions costs only $24.95Here are some of the things you will enjoy when you start my program:
- Freedom from the pain and discomfort that holds you back from the things you enjoy.
- The motivation and guidance needed to help you fix your back pain.
- The savings of hundred, if not thousands of dollars in medical and therapy bills
- The joy of being able to workout on your own schedule
- The comfort of performing your own therapy in your own home
- Your own personal therapist teaching you how to fix your problem
Think about how much time you have already spent trying to find a solution for your back pain. Now it is time to begin your recovery.
What you will receive with your purchase:
- An instantly downloadable e-book with over 70 pages of exercise information.
- A step-by-step guide to the BEST exercises proven to eliminate back pain.
- The best exercises for improving mobility in all the right places for low back health.
- Strengthening and balance exercises that will eliminate your back pain and give you a much stronger and more stable body.
- Week by week exercise progressions, tailored to keep you improving until you are pain free.
- Expert tips based on my 10+ years of working in the sports medicine field.
- And a 100% unconditional money back guarantee…
Thats right!! I am positive that Low Back Solutions will help to reduce or eliminate your back pain. I am so positive that I will gladly refund your entire purchase price at any time within the next year if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase. No questions asked.
With your purchase of Low Back Solutions you will also receive one on one customer support – so if you have specific questions about the ebook or don’t quite understand an exercise, I am only an email away and willing to help when you need it.
What people are saying… “Low Back Solutions literally changed my life! I have suffered from back pain for years and bounced around to doctor after doctor, but no one could give me any relief. Mitch takes a different approach to treating my pain and it has worked miracles for me.” “It seemed too good to be true that this eBook could fix my back pain for less than the price of 1 visit to my doctor, but it turned out to be true! I decided to give it a try, and several weeks later, I’m back to chasing my kids and playing softball on the weekends.” “I am so busy as a single mom who works full time that there was no way that I could ever get to a therapy clinic to treat my pain, much less afford it. Low Back Solutions allowed me to get rid of my pain while working out at home at my own pace. And, for a fraction of the price of traditional physical therapy. Thanks Mitch!” |
Where else can you get a program of exercises proven to eliminate back pain for less than $25?
Click Here to Download Your Copy Today!
Why so cheap? I know how many people are suffering with back pain and I want to help as many people as possible. But, the price will likely increase in the future. We have recently introduced this product, so in an effort to get the word out, we are keeping the price low and affordable. Take advantage of it now!!
What will happen when you click the Add To Cart Button?
This will open your shopping cart with Low Back Solutions. You will be taken to a secure payment page and will be able to complete your order.
You can pay using your PayPal account or a credit card. Once your payment is complete, you will be redirected to the secure download page. If you are not re-directed, click on the orange “Complete Your Purchase” button on the payment page. You will also receive an email confirmation with your download link, with the subject line “Low Back Solutions Purchase from Maximum Training Solutions”.
Low Back Solutions is only available as a downloadable ebook. No physical product will be shipped to you.
Downloadable ebooks allow me to offer this comprehensive program at this low price because I do not have to account for printing and shipping charges – so everyone saves! It also means that you will have instant access to the information – no waiting for a hard copy book to arrive.
You can start down the path to recovery in just minutes!
If you have any problems at all with your download, with your payment, or with your emails, please let me know. Use the contact form on www.maximumtrainingsolutions.com. Make sure you include your contact information and the email address you used when you ordered.
I can hear you through the computer, “This guy can’t be serious, right? He really thinks that he can cure my back pain in my home by reading a book.”
I’m here to say that I can do just that. This program is tried and true and really works.
Think about this…if you try traditional therapy, you will be paying more in 1 copay to at therapist than you are for this entire program. You will literally be saving hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in medical bills. And, getting a tried and true program!
You may have tried other programs, seen the physical therapists, doctors, and specialists – and yet you still have back pain. This could be the solution you have been looking for – the only way to know for sure is to give it a try.
You can either keep doing what your doing and experience pain day in and day out, or you can try something that you have never tried before. Man people have already made the choice to stop letting pain rule their lives. They took control of their recovery. You can do the same.
Try Low Back Solutions today!!
Go ahead, download your copy – try the exercises, work through the program. If you try the program and you are not completely satisifed, send me an email, or use the contact form on the site, and I will gladly refund your entire purchase price – with absolutely no questions asked. All you have to lose is the pain.
I developed this program to help people like you free themselves from the frustation and pain of a low back injury. I have seen countless patients find success with these exercises, after months or years of failure with traditional low back exercises. But you can’t benefit from the program unless you try it.
Click Here to Become Pain Free Today!
Looking for more help? Schedule a consultation today!

does this program deal specifically with functional leg length discrepancies? I am female with lld and am getting a bunion. lower back always been a problem, some scoliosis. can you help me? had hip replacement on longer leg at mayo clinic due to arthritis…that’s fixed but same longer leg is now creating a bunion. wear lift in left shoe heel which helps. going back to mayo this spring but would love treatment plan before then. again…can you help me? I am dedicated to getting better just need to know what to do. thank you. ps good copywriter on your site
It does deal with functional leg length discrepancies. I don’t know for sure that it can fix your bunion, but the program is based around helping people with leg length issues so given your history, it should make it an impact in your issues.