by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS
I’m going to ask for a bit of grace this week because I’m not posting much by way of new content. Honestly, with the fall sports being in full swing at the university, my kids running my wife and I to all of their activities, and my travel schedule back in full swing, I just haven’t had a lot of time to write this week. I will tell you that I have some cool things that I’m working with diagnostic ultrasound, vibration, force plates, and a few other fun things, so there is a lot of new and exciting content coming, but not a lot this week.
I do want to give you a few updates and heads up for things to look for:
- Hypervolt: A few weeks ago I announced a new partnership with Hyperice and specifically their new and hot product, Hypervolt. I hope that you know that, while I do carry some products on my website, I only carry products that I sincerely know, use and like. I am and will always be an educator first and foremost. That is my passion. But, I also like to expose people to my favorite products on the market and utilize my relationships to save people money. I offered an introductory price on the Hypervolts with the hope that I could get enough people interested to purchase a minimum order that would get all of us some good pricing. I have to admit that I have been shocked by the interest in this product. Don’t get me wrong, I know it is an awesome product and I use mine on my patients, my family and myself daily. But, the interest from my friends has been much higher than expected. I not only doubled my expected first order, but I am making another one. So, I have extended the introductory sale. Click here to get your Hypervolt at a great price as a thank you for being part of the MTS family. I will tell you that if you buy one, you won’t regret it at all!
- Rocktape Pods and Floss Band courses: Rocktape is currently filling their schedule with classes in 2019. We are officially launching the Rockpods (cupping) and Rockfloss (floss bands) courses on a large scale after the first of the year. If you are interested in hosting a course, please reply to this email. As always, if you host, you get free attendees and other great benefits. Email me right away if you want to host these or any other Rocktape courses at your facility.
- Fall Schedule: I would love to see you at one of my upcoming fall courses. Look at my event schedule for a course near you and get signed up so we can hang out. If you don’t see one near you, email me and lets schedule something near you!
- New Project: I am hard at work at my biggest education project to date. I had hopes that it would have launched by now, but it isn’t ready yet. Be on the look out this fall for an awesome new course on a topic that I am very passionate about. More details to come!
Until next week…keep up the great work!

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