by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS
It has been a crazy week already with work, family and other requirements. So, I just haven’t had the bandwidth necessary to put together a decent blog post. So, I thought I would just assemble a little bit of a mash up of info to pass along. I’m sure you’ll find at least one of these items interesting.
Shoulder Webinar
Many of you (135 to be exact) tuned in yesterday for my webinar on using directional skin drag to solve difficult shoulder cases. It was a lot of fun and well received by those who were able to make it. If you weren’t able to make it, or you want to go back and watch it again, you can do it for free for 7 days. Just follow this link and use the code ‘MitchShoulder18’ and you will be able to view it for free. If you are a member of WebExercises already, you can view it for free after the 7 day window is up. While you’re there, look around a bit. The WebExercises team is doing a great job of assembling content and helpful information for all clinicians. I love that crew, so consider spending some time looking around.
New Organ Possibly Found
There is quite a bit of press coverage coming regarding a recent article, so you may have already seen this. I have to say that I am pretty excited about the notion that a new part of our skin/body/connective tissue has been found through a new research technique. This new research study is showing that there is likely fluid just beneath the skin that we have not been able to visualize previously. This fluid movement may have a large impact on the future of cancer treatment, infection control and other major diseases. As it pertains to the musculoskeletal world, it may helps to understand the dynamics of effusion, edema, and ecchymosis and how we should be treating them.
Easter Sale on Education
Celebrating the best holiday of the year, we are celebrating with a 15% discount on Rolling Revealed, Screen, Steer, and Move or Reactive Neuromuscular Training.
Use the code: ‘EASTER15’ to get your discount through Sunday evening!

I was able to listen in and as always a great remibder and refredhor for the things that dont stick the first time. Happy Easter Buddy and God bless you and the family.
Thanks and Happy Easter to you as well!