Increasing stride length is achieved by increasing speed strength, which is defined as “the ability to exert maximal force during high-speed movement” (Essentials of S & C p. 315).
Simply put, to increase stride length, one must increase power output of the lower body.
“It’s About Power”
This can be accomplished using a variety of techniques, all of which include increasing muscle activity of the lower extremity (i.e. uphill running, towing, etc.).
Mann and Hagy support the need for increased output during sprinting by demonstrating that with a magnification of gait speed the body showed an increase in muscle activity in the quads, hamstrings, and posterior muscles of the calf , all of which are considered primary accelerators our body mass (Delecluse).
“Climb The Hill”
Uphill running at high speeds has been proven to increase muscle activation and power output (Nummela). Caldwell and Swanson demonstrated this through EMG research which showed an increase in muscle activity within the Glutes, Quads, Gastroc/Soleus complex, and Hip Flexors, while Sloniger et al. cited similar findings upon MRI examination.
These studies showed an increase in motor unit recruitment of their specific muscle groups. This greater activation of motor units within the muscle eventually carries over to improved propelling forces while teaching decreased braking forces during running (coaches roundtable).
Gottschall and Kram actually demonstrated an increase in propulsive peak force rates by as much as 75% while running with no impact at nine degrees of elevation. Initially (2-5 weeks), these changes are most likely just neurological in nature, but following the early adaptation period, more permanent muscular changes are seen (Hammett/Hey; Moritanit/DeVries).
The improved propulsive forces coupled with a decrease in braking forces and lack of impact, makes running at elevation with high speeds a perfect accessory tool for speed training.
This is especially true as compared to traditional means of improving speed strength (i.e. towing), which decreases the likelihood of the athlete utilizing proper running mechanics (Lockie).
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im becoming a believer that even for distance running a developmental neurological approach to
conditioning is the future for running. Im 69 and i know from literature and my own training that its possible to train even older runners to run faster times than they now exhibit. im finding that motive to push forward and work through the pain is lacking more in the older runner rather than potential. I was interested in this article on increasing stride length because that is the key to faster running. I see it in sprinting and i see it in distance running. i believe stride length is more trainable than turnover speed. Reflexes can only go so fast but but power can continue increasing for a longer period of time. For distance running there is a point where turnover becomes a hindrance rather than facilitator for holding a faster speed. I am also 200 lbs trying to lose weight to about 175- because a given power can move a lighter weight faster than a heavier one(thats just physics) so it looks like uphill running and some weights to strengthen the lower extremities and core would be the best for a heavier person and after i loose weight i can look more at the polymetrics. strength is part of the power equation so a little lifting would help.
Does this sound good for a 5k runner?