Everyone performing any kind of motor learning with an individual can attest that utilizing a very controlled environment is the easiest means to achieve desired results.The treadmill makes motion analysis very simple because of the controlled environment that the athlete is placed in. In most cases, it eliminates the need for video analysis because the athlete is running, cycle after cycle, in one spot with their coach standing very near them, cueing the necessary things to improve performance.
“Self Limiting Exercise”
Also, running at elevation is a self limiting exercise for the athlete. That is, if the athlete cannot perform that activity correctly, they will not be able to perform it at all.The elevation forces the “knee up, heel up, toe up” position at the end of the recovery phase of the cycle, which is the most explosive position for the lower body because of the stored energy and prestretch placed on the musculotendinous junction of the Glutes, Quads, and Gastroc/Soleus complex (Novacheck). This is not to say that by simply placing an athlete on a high speed treadmill at elevation will make every athlete look like a world class sprinter.
“Coach ’em Up”
here is definitely a need for a quality coach with a keen eye for sound sprinting technique. The most difficult and arguably the most important aspect to address on the treadmill is the pelvic position.
Most athletes have a tendency while running uphill to lean forward and increase the anterior tilt of the pelvis, in effect shortening their stride length.
Core stability, flexibility, and neuromuscular education are all important components to address this issue.
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