by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS
I get a lot of questions about my favorite products and devices on the market, so I’ve decided to periodically do what I am calling “Implement Analysis.” Basically, I’m going to take a few minutes and look at some of my favorite devises (implements) and talk about the good and bad and why I like them. I have used most of these implements for quite some time and developed a strong partnership with the companies (read all the way to the end for a special offer to save $$$). I do want to be clear that I’m not here to push any specific product or service. I have used most of these products for quite some time prior to discussing them here or partnering with these companies, but because of my strong partnerships with many of these companies, I am able to help out the readers of my blog.
The first Implement Analysis is the Normatec Recovery system. This system has become very popular in an athletic population in recent years to assist athletes to recover between workouts, competitions and training sessions. We are now seeing this technology spill over into an active population and the rehab worlds.
We have used Normatec with our collegiate athletes for several years and the system is loved by our athletes. They feel great after a “flush” session and the system has proven to be very durable and when we have had some issues (our college athletes tend to drop things that shouldn’t be dropped), Normatec has taken great care of us.
Normatec utilizes a patented sequential compression process that uses air filled boots to push fluid and exercise by products out of the extremities and into the trunk to be dealt with efficiently by the body. The unit is made up of the control unit, a hose and boots. The boots come in a variety of sizes and body parts (legs, hips, arms).
The Pulse unit is their most popular package and it is designed for use as a recovery device. Users can select their boot, time and intensity to customize the experience for their needs. The Pulse Pro (my preferred model) has the ability to perform the same “flush” that the Pulse unit can, but it can also do a lot more. It has rehab settings to help move fluid out of specific areas of the body. It also has the ability to perform a “zone boost” which allows the user to focus on a specific area for more time if they are more sore in an area or if they feel like they need more work there. Further, you can also make your own custom programs with the Pulse Pro to do just about anything that you want.
I love the system for recovery. It is what most people are using the Normatec for. There is no question about its ability to help us feel better after a workout. But, I am increasingly using the Normatec in my rehab programs as well It is a very effective tool for reducing swelling and effusion either after an acute injury or surgery. I am getting great results with performing some manual massage to those areas to get things moving and soften up any pitting edema. Then I apply the Normatec for 10-20 minutes and allow the patient to control the intensity and I’m seeing phenomenal results.
I also think that there is potential to use this device with pain management in the future. There is a lot of work that needs to be done to nail down the specifics, but I believe that for some people, the compression that they receive from a Normatec will be a nice “hug” to the system that may be able to down regulate a threat response and ultimately relieve pain (think weighted blankets for special needs children). More to come on that…
Overall, here is my analysis of Normatec:
- Unit is very durable and easy to use and clean
- Normatec’s customer service is outstanding
- Lots of options to fit everyone’s size and needs
- Very user friendly (set it and forget it kind of thing)
- Normatec is the innovator in this space, constantly coming out with new technology
- Carrying case is strong, durable and handy
- Normatec may not be the cheapest product in the category
I do want to be fair when I mention pricing. When you look on the surface, you will see that Normatec is not the cheapest product in this category. But, there are a couple of things to keep in mind when you price the Normatec. First, every system has different packages of pumps and sleeves. So, comparing apples to apples is challenging. Also, some other companies sell different version of their control unit (pump). So, if you go with their weaker, cheaper version, it can only be used with certain sleeves, while Normatec’s pump works with all of their sleeves. So, the take home is, make sure you fully educated on what you are getting for what price. When you dig down into it all, Normatec there isn’t as much price difference as it may appear on the surface.
Overall, Normatec is the gold standard that all other recovery systems are compared to. In an effort to help bring down the price, I have worked with Normatec to get a special discount for friends of MTS. Simply visit their website at and use the code ‘MaximumTraining19’ at checkout to save $100 off of any of the Pulse packages. And, if you are looking for a Pulse Pro, I can save you even more money. Contact me for details!

Did you also do a blog on the Marc Pro??
I have not done anything with the Marc Pro at this point.
I can’t get the video to play it’s probably my errror
Yep, my error! Got it!