This workout is a good one for the general fitness client. Perform it as a pyramid of 5-4-3-2-1. Perform the exercises in a circuit with the first set consisting of 5 reps each, then the second set is 4 reps, and so on. Keep moving through the sets quickly with little rest. I will warn you, choose your sandbag carefully.
A Skip x 15 yds
High Knee Run x 15 yds
Butt Kicks x 15 yds
Pushup (double the reps on this so its 10-8-6-4-2)
Sandbag Clean + Zercher Squat + Zercher Good Morning
TRX Inverted Row + Bridge w/ sandbag on hips
Sandbag Shouldering + Shoulder Reverse Lunge
TRX Crunch + Hip Rotations
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