A favorite workout of mine during an accumulation phase or when you need to boost an athlete’s work capacity in a functional manner. This workout combines strength and stability under high neurological loads. It beats the heck out of running as a total body metabolic conditioning workout as well.
Movement Preparation:
Miniband Hip Rotations 3 x 12
Miniband Sidesteps 3 x 20 feet
Single Leg Squat off box (barefoot) 3 x 8
Back Squat + Press 3 x 8
Superset the following 3-5 times:
Get Up x 5 each
Heavy, Slow Sled Drive 2 x 45 feet
Bottoms Up Kettlebell Overhead Press x 8
KB Swings x 15
TRX Single Leg Squat x 8 each
Single Leg RDL x 8 each
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