by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS
I was recently reminded how powerful the Core Mobility Series (CMS) is for our athletes. The CMS was a product of a brainstorming session between myself and Andrew Harestad, owner of CAMP in the Salt Lake City area a few years back. After we started playing with the concept, it was further refined over the years with the help of my friends Brett McQueen and Geoff Stanford.
The Core Mobility Series started as a warm up routine that began to take on a bit of a life of its own. We discovered that not only was it a great warm up before a lifting workout, it is a great stand alone tool for preventing injuries and can also be used effectively as a hotel travel workout or a recovery workout.
It flows nicely from one sequence to another, incorporating movements to improve mobility and stability in all of the areas that we are typically deficient or restricted in, while also progressing from simple to complex, preparing the body to move.
Over the past couple of years, my practice has been focused more on orthopedic rehab than it has strength and conditioning, so I haven’t used the CMS as much (because the CMS focuses on total body, complex movements, it can be difficult to use consistently in the rehab setting). Recently, I began working with a pair of swimmers to prepare them for Rio in a few months. Immediately, we began using the Core Mobility Series with their training, and I fell in love with it again.
Take a look at the video so you can see how it works and get a good idea on how it flows. You can also read more about it in the October 2014 edition of The Strength and Conditioning Journal (click here for the link).
Looking for more help? Schedule a consultation today!

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