by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS This is sort of an age old question for healthcare providers. Does posture really matter? Some people have “horrible” posture, but never have a pain or problem. Others look much better, but feel like crap all of the time. If we assume that posture does matter, how do we […]
Take Homes from MSPC
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS Last Friday I was honored to be able to both attend and speak at the Midwest Sports Performance Conference on the campus of the University of Kansas. The event is organized and run by Andrea Hudy, the Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Performance, and her strength and conditioning staff […]
Taping for Knee Pain
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS Lots of us deal with Patellofemoral Knee Pain (PFP). We either suffer from it ourselves or we deal with it with our patients or clients. It is prevalent among active individuals who have lost some mobility, stability or motor control somewhere along the line. It is typically characterized by […]
Link Between Push Ups and Cardio Health
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS Recently, there was an interesting study done that looked into a possible link between cardiovascular health and a push up exercise. What they found after looking at 10 years worth of data from 1104 firefighters was that those men who could perform 40 or more push ups were at […]
Fixing Hip Pain with Compression
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS Hip pain has haunted a lot of us in our career. It certainly isn’t of my favorite thing to deal with. Hip pain can be complex and difficult to trace to the source of the problem. They can be either mobility or motor control related, or a combination of […]
Creating Resilient Runners
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS On Tuesday, I had the privilege of delivering a webinar with my good friends at on helping to injury proof runners and improve their performance. In this week’s blog post, I wanted to recap the webinar and also make sure that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy a […]
Triphasic Training for Clinicians
By Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS I have said many times that so much of what we do in the strength and conditioning/fitness/rehab world is a simple form of evolution. We basically give the body stimulus and watch it react. If we give it the correct stimulus, we get the product that we want. If […]
Abundance vs. Scarcity
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS Recently I saw this Instagram post about the cost of private pay vs insurance driven therapy and what is most effective and costly. It caught my eye because I do believe that we are going to continue to see growth in the self pay therapy market with the ever […]
The Right Modality at the Right Time
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS I often get asked about how to put all of the different modalities together into an actual treatment program. It can be confusing because we have so many tools at our disposal. We want to avoid the tendency to take a shotgun approach to any treatment, throwing things out […]
Implement Analysis: Vibrating Rollers
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS This week we’re looking at another implement that a lot of people have questions about…vibrating rollers. A few years ago, everyone and their brother seemed to come out with a version of a foam roller that vibrates. Suddenly, it wasn’t good enough to just roll on a foam roller, […]
Tab Taping for Pain
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS Tab taping techniques are great for a number of reasons. They allow us to protect the skin while putting maximum stretch on the tape. Putting stretch on kinesiology tape allows us to take advantage of not only the neurosensory feedback that we get from tape, but it also gives […]
Core Mobility Series Revisited
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS I know that I have presented my love of the Core Mobility Series in the past, but I’m going to do it again. This short series of movements is a great tool for mobility, stability and motor control. I love it as a tool for a warmup. I love […]
Is Minimalist Right for Your Feet?
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS The barefoot/minimalist revolution has been going strong for several years now. Most of us can remember a few years ago when suddenly we were told that shoes were evil and everyone should be wearing some funny looking slipper type foot covers with lots of toes built into them. Minimalist […]
Implement Analysis: Normatec
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS I get a lot of questions about my favorite products and devices on the market, so I’ve decided to periodically do what I am calling “Implement Analysis.” Basically, I’m going to take a few minutes and look at some of my favorite devises (implements) and talk about the good […]
Training the 3D Human Machine – DVD
Are you having trouble seeing improvements with a difficult patient or client? Are you having pain or dysfunction that isn’t improving with a traditional approach? Are you seeing plateaus in performance training? If so, don’t work harder…work smarter. Most people hide a lot of dysfunction in their transverse plane. Their inability rotate efficiently and control bad […]
Training the 3D Human Machine – Stream
Are you having trouble seeing improvements with a difficult patient or client? Are you having pain or dysfunction that isn’t improving with a traditional approach? Are you seeing plateaus in performance training? If so, don’t work harder…work smarter. Most people hide a lot of dysfunction in their transverse plane. Their inability rotate efficiently and control bad […]
Our Dysfunction Lies in the Transverse Plane
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS Simply put, rotation is the forgotten plane of motion. It is incredibly important because it plays a role in virtually every movement pattern, yet it is rarely the focus of our attention. And, when it is the focus of attention (i.e. baseball, golf, volleyball, etc), it is likely only […]
Context is King
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS This past weekend I was having a great conversation with my buddy Mike Stella. Mike is a fellow Athletic Trainer who works in a setting that isn’t typical for ATCs. He is a bright rehab mind and I appreciate our conversations because I always come away smarter. Context: the […]
When is Bruising Appropriate?
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS There has been a lot of different opinions in recent years on whether or not bruising is acceptable during manual therapy. Many supporters of bruising with therapy (specifically Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization) even refer to it as “therapeutic bruising”. They have encouraged the practice of scraping people with […]
Change Tempo, Change Outcomes
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS I’m always looking for the next big advantage or technique to make my athletes and patients better. When I say better, this may mean decreased pain, improved performance, cleaner movement patterns or all of the above. Better is better. It’s as simple as that. Most of the time, I […]
Floss Band Shoulder Stability Fix
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS The shoulder is a complex joint that can be very challenging to deal with. As a kid, we were taught that the shoulder is a ball and socket joint, but the reality is that it is much more like a golf ball sitting on a golf tee. So, it […]
Rockstock Review
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS Recently I attended Rockstock, Rocktape’s annual movement summit in Miami Beach, Florida and I want to use this week’s blog post to share my thoughts and experiences at the event. As many of you know, I’m a huge fan of Rocktape and an instructor for them, so I’m sure […]
Creating Physical Resilience
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS I’m really excited to be speaking at this year’s annual Rockstock event in Miami this weekend. It is 2 days of fun, great education, sand, music and awesome people. If you aren’t already registered, time is running out. You want to be there! This year’s theme is resilience. Every […]
Improving Rolling Patterns
by Jared Woolever Rolling patterns are one of our absolute favorite exercises to add into a corrective strategy or warm up. These patterns do a great job of getting your inner core to fire quickly to promote stability…and with good stability comes improved performance. I had a great question about rolling from one of our […]
Irradiation Through Vibration
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS I often use the Law of Irradiation to help my patients load movement appropriately and also to prime the nervous system either prior to complex movements or during a workout in general. Sherrington’s Law of Irradiation states that a muscle working hard recruits the neighboring muscles, and if they […]
The Reactive Nature of Muscles
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS One thing that we need to remember about the human body is that the main job of muscles is to react to the environment around us. Of course they do contract to help us create motion, but the reality is that, for the most part, our body uses momentum, […]
Information Mash Up
by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS I’m going to ask for a bit of grace this week because I’m not posting much by way of new content. Honestly, with the fall sports being in full swing at the university, my kids running my wife and I to all of their activities, and my travel schedule […]