Maximum Training Solutions, LLC is proud to announce that it has teamed up with to offer education materials with the athlete in mind. MTS is now an authorized vendor for all of the Sport Injury Info Solutions series eBooks.
Are you tired of aching sore ankles that hurt just walking?
Have you given up sports because you can’t bear the pain?
Have you ever suffered from an ankle sprain, even years ago?
Are you frustrated with chronic pain and no solution in sight?
You aren’t alone…
Ankle Sprain Solutions is the answer to treating your ankle pain.
Not Just Rest and Ice
This isn’t just another rest, ice, compression, and elevation program.You received that information from the emergency room, your doctor, or the internet – yet you still have pain weeks or months later.
Don’t get me wrong – R.I.C.E. is essential for treating actue ankle sprains, but where most treatment programs stop, Ankle Sprain Solutions shows you what to do after the rest and ice to eliminate your pain for good.
It’s Not Too Late
Even if your ankle sprain occured months or years ago, it is never too late to start rehabilitation. In fact, you likely will continue to have pain and problems until you do.
When you sprained your ankle, there was damage to the ligaments within the ankle. These ligaments heal with time and rest. But the communication between the ligaments and the muscles won’t be restored.
Communication between the ligaments and muscles, what is called proprioception, is the essential link to your ankle functioning normally. The only way to restore that communication is with rehabilitation.
Ankle Sprain solutions is a complete program that will walk you step by step through over 30 exercises proven to eliminate your ankle pain and get you back to normal.
Click here to view more details
Looking for more help? Schedule a consultation today!

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