Increase athletic performance, improve strength and fitness, AND decrease the rate of injury
There have been a number of strength training programs that promise fast results and huge gains in performance. There have also been a number of fitness programs that state that they can shed pounds and leave you looking great. Additionally, there are a number of injury prevention programs on the market that tell you that with their simple how-to lesson, you, or your athletes and clients will never have to worry about another injury again.
Why is PROvention™ Training better?
The PROvention™ system can do all of these at the same time with one seamless approach for fitness professionals, strength coaches, performance coaches, athletic trainers, physical therapists, sport coaches, parents, weekend warriors, and athletes of all levels.
Are You…
- Sick of Hurting or seeing others getting hurt?
- Interested in improving athletic performance and fitness levels?
- Tired of being on the sidelines?
- Sick of paying loads of money to coaches or trainers who run you into the ground in the name of making you better, when all you do is feel more and more pain?
Having difficulty balancing all of the requirements of sports or personal training in a very limited time? - Interested in adding another marketing tool to your personal training or coaching business?
If you said “YES” to any of these, then I have the answer for you…
PROvention™ Training!
My name is Mitch Hauschildt. I’m a well known sports medicine professional who has treated some of the best athletes in the world over the last 16 years. I have authored peer reviewed articles and presented at numerous conferences and seminars in an effort to teach other sports mediciine professionals the solutions that I have developed in my rehab and performance training practice. My full time job is training NCAA Division I athletes to win in their sport of choice. After seeing the problems that so many athletes, weekend warriors and active individuals face every day, I established Maximum Training Solutions, LLC to share some of the knowledge that I have gained over the years. You can learn more about me by clicking here.
When people come to me looking for a solutions to their injury and performance issues, I usually find several things.
Problem #1: Their program isn’t producing results
Solution: A well-planned and thorough program
Many coaches, trainers, and clinicians assume that by throwing some exercises at people and having them work hard, they will improve their performance. The reality is that without a well-planned and thorough program, they will never reach their potential. Periodization is a huge key to improving athletic performance, decreasing injury, increasing fitness, and losing weight. If you or your coach doesn’t understand basic periodization principles, performance will suffer.
Problem #2: The injury prevention programs that I have tried in the past don’t actually help
Solution: An integrated program
You will be mildly successful preventing injuries with many of the “add-on” programs that are out there. But to reach the types of injury prevention success that you want to see, you need an integrated approach. PROvention™ Training pulls all of the best items of the traditional injury prevention programs together and combines it with performance training to get the best of all worlds.
Problem #3: Other programs are too restrictive and don’t allow for variability
Solution: Guidelines, not absolutes
While I feel confident that I know what you, your athletes or your clients need, I also recognize that what works really well with my athletes in my facilities may not necessarily work in every situation. Thus, the PROvention™ Program is designed with flexibility in mind. There are a number of items in the program that are very important and must be performed. But, there are also a number of areas that are open to a coach’s or trainer’s expertise to decide what is best in that situation. It is just the right mix of direction and flexibility.
Problem #4: Performance programs are too expensive
Solution: The PROvention™ 2 disc DVD set is only $29.95, including shipping!!
We have set the price on this program to be extremely affordable because we want to get the word out to as many people as possible! This program is honestly worth 3-4 times more than we are charging, but we truly feel that it is our obligation to help people to achieve their goals and decrease injuries. Thus, we are keeping the cost as affordable as possible.
Problem #5: You don’t have the equipment to perform the program
Solution: The program is simple to follow with little to no equipment if that’s what you have access to. Or it can be used in a full weight room.
Because the program is so flexible, it can be performed in a full weight room, in a personal training studio, or in a garage with limited equipment. We teach concepts and allow you to apply them to your sitation.
Problem #6: There isn’t enough time to train to prevent injuries and increase performance
Solution: An integrated, streamlined program
Because the program combines the best of both worlds, the system is quick and easy. The training sessions take no longer than traditional workouts, but accomplish a lot more!!
All of it is backed by a money back guarantee!!
I’m happy to introduce you to PROvention™ Training…
Think of me as your personal, Performance and injury prevention educator who will take you step-by-step through the process to get you training your athletes and clients, and even yourself better than ever.
Before we get to the solution, lets start with the problem…
Why do people get injured?
There are a number of reasons why athletes and active individuals get injured. But, most of the time it is due to poor movement patterns and training. The human body is an amazing machine of joints and muscles that fire in specific sequences at precise times to create movement. Most of the time, people get hurt because their body isn’t working the way it was designed.
Unfortunately, most people never know how dysfunctional they are because no one ever evaluates them. That is the key to a great performance program. After all, if we don’t know our clients, how do we give them what they need?
Not only is the evaluation process included in the DVD set, but so is the programming philosophies that go along with it.
PROvention™ Training costs only $29.95
We have purchasing options to fit your viewing preference:
The PROvention™ Training System is available as both a 2-disc DVD set or downloadable video. Either way, you will receive:
- Top Notch educational materials focused on injury prevention to keep you and your athletes or clients healthy
- A systematic approach to improving athletic performance and fitness
- An understanding of multiple periodization schemes and recommendations on how and when to implement each training system
- A unique approach to developing athletes to ensure their long term health and success
- A comprehensive evaluation system to drive your programming
- Expert tips based on my 12+ years of working in the sports medicine field.
- And a 100% unconditional money back guarantee…
Thats right!! I am positive that The PROvention™ Training System will reduce injuries and increase performance. I am so positive that I will gladly refund your entire purchase price at any time within the next year if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase. No questions asked.
Where else can you get this much quality training information proven to reduce injuries and improve performance for less than $30?
Purchase Your Copy Today!
Only $29.95 (USD)
Why so cheap? This information is needed in the training world and I want to help as many people as possible. But, the price will likely increase in the future. We have recently introduced this product, so in an effort to get the word out, we are keeping the price low and affordable. Take advantage of it now!!
How can you get the PROvention™ System?
Click the link below. When you do this, you will be taken to a secure payment page to complete your order. We will promptly ship your DVDs to you. This option includes all 3 of the presentations in a single DVD collection and allows you endless viewing, easy viewing.
For a limited time, we are offering FREE shipping when the physical DVDs are purchased. Don’t wait or you will miss out on this exciting, limited time option! |

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