Maximum Training Solutions, LLC is proud to announce that it has teamed up with to offer education materials with the athlete in mind. MTS is now an authorized vendor for all of the Sport Injury Info Solutions series eBooks.
The ACL Tear is likely the most feared injury in sports. It is painful, requires significant surgery, and usually puts athletes on the sideline for at least 6 months and many times more than 1 year.
So can anything be done about it?
s much as we would like to, we will never be able to prevent all ACL tears, but we can prevent the vast majority of non-contact ACL injuries with proper training and education.
What’s the difference between Contact and Non-Contact injuries?
Contact injuries are just as they sound. They occur when another athlete comes into contact with you, adding an abnormal force which you can’t control. Many times contact ACL tears occur when a football player falls directly on another player’s leg or knee.
Non-Contact ACL injuries occur when an athlete is running or cutting and they collapse due to tearing their ACL without touching another athlete. These are the injuries that oftentimes can be prevented with proper training.
This training should be designed to improve strength, balance, lower body control, core, power, and deceleration. A comprehensive program isn’t easy to organize and design if you aren’t familiar with all of the factors involved.
That’s where ACL solutions comes in. In a little over 60 pages, you’ll get all of the information you need to protect your ACL and help you return to full play if you
have had the unfortunate luck of tearing your ACL. It is the most comprehensive
ACL training book available, thanks to our friends at Sports Injury Info.
If you are an athlete, coach, or parent of an athlete, you owe it to yourself and your athletes to learn more about this exciting opportunity to improve your training.
Click here to view more details
Looking for more help? Schedule a consultation today!

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