TACTICAL ATHLETE PREP & RELOAD COURSE introduces movement and performance enhancement strategies to create a simple and effective selfcare program for the tactical athlete by better preparing them to train effectively by reducing soreness, improving range of motion and enhancing joint centration, as well as assisting the tactical athlete to recover and reload between sessions. By enhancing preparation and recovery, athletes will increase their ability to train effectively, efficiently, and consistently over time, resulting in a more robust, physically fit, resilient and ready fighting force.
Discover why using kinesiology tape and compressional floss bands are integral for improving mobility, stability, soreness and recovery to equip the tactical athlete to train stronger and longer. This course takes a simple joint by joint approach to movement and performance enhancement to assist the tactical athlete with their own self-care. This training program can be performed in a matter of a few minutes with simple tools that can be taken anywhere in the world that the tactical athlete finds themselves.
The primary goals of this course is to help performance coaches, medics, and tactical athletes improve the movement abilities and capacity of service men and women both during and between training sessions through self-care.
- Molle carrying pack
- 2” Rocktape Kinesiology Tape
- 2” RockFloss Compressional Floss Band
- Rocktape Scissors
- 3oz Roll-on Rocksauce Fire topical analgesic
- Sample pack sized Rocksauce Ice topical analgesic
- TAPR quick reference guide manual
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